it's time to

jumpstart your health!

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?


Do you want to improve your digestion, sleep, and energy levels?



does this

sound like you?


You wake up exhausted and anxious about what to eat because everything makes you bloated.

You've tried elimination diets, supplements, multiple doctors, or pharmaceuticals and still feel like crap.

Your doc says  all your labs are “normal”.

You feel defeated and wonder if this is just your new reality.

You want to improve your health but don't know where to start.


😰 Go from feeling bloated, stressed, and depressed 


🤩 energized, focused, happy, and confidently in charge of your health.

you will learn…


The 5 pillars of health I teach EVERY single person I work with.


Simple, effective habits that will transform your health each day.


The secret behind creating habits that you actually stick to long term.


Why nutrition, sleep, movement, stress, and detoxing are so important.


80+ habits based on Chinese medicine wisdom and modern research-backed science


How to FINALLY feel like you again!


emily k

"It's only been one week into the handbook and my bloat is almost completely gone. I can't even believe just a few changes to how and what I was eating could make such a big difference"

evelyn m

"I struggled with anxiety for years, and it took a toll on my daily life. After incorporating and fine-tuning what I learned in the handbook I feel way calmer, more focused, and in control of my emotions. It's been a true lifesaver!"

tasha m

"I can't believe how much the Jumpstart Handbook transformed my life. I used to look pregnant after every meal, would wake up exhausted, and have no energy. By following along each with with the handbook, I'm sleeping through the night, have basically no bloating and have way more energy to keep up with my kids!"

why do these ‘little’ habits matter?


I'll let you in on a little secret…


When I was feeling my worst, It wasn't the flashy stuff like supplements, therapies, or practitioners that made the biggest impact on my health.


It was being consistent in my routines and healthy habits. It was healing my nervous system and making it more resilient.


Sure, creating new habits may not sound super sexy… but you know what is?


  • Waking up ready to tackle the day and actually enjoying your meals without feeling drained.


  • Making decisions with confidence and peacefully drifting off to sleep without nagging anxiety or racing thoughts.


  • Being able to fully show up as your best self for your family, partner, friends, and most importantly… YOU.


This guide is your ticket to achieving your best health yet.


Before you open your wallet (or type in your credit card number that you know by heart) for another supplement, practitioner, or course, I strongly recommend giving this guide a go.


You'll learn how to create habits that actually stick and totally transform your health.

ONLY $19

Hey, I'm kacie and here's my story.

While going to acupuncture school, I started having severe digestive issues and anxiety after a trip to Thailand.  I was diagnosed with SIBO and H pylori and was told I needed to take antibiotics but I was determined to fix it naturally after reading how antibiotics rarely fix the issue long-term.

Over my 7 year health journey, I blamed it on food and tried tons of elimination diets. Then I blamed it on alcohol and stress and went into hermit mode. I tried chiropractic, reiki, rolfing, physical therapy, visceral manipulation, acupuncture, herbs, supplements, etc. and while many of these things did provide temporary relief, it often came back. 

I felt like I was doing ALL the healthy things but my problem was I wasn't consistent with them. I would focus on one therapy for a few weeks or month and get discouraged when I didn't see massive change. 

What I learned through all my trials and tribulations is that it's about ALL the little things you're doing each day that make a big difference. You have to be consistent in strengthening each of the pillars of your health in order to get out of a health crisis and stay healthy.

I also learned that healing your nervous system is PARAMOUNT in healing at all. If you are stuck in fight-or-flight, your body is not focused on healing and repairing.  

It took me getting out of a toxic 7 year relationship before I was able to really step into healing mode.  

That's why the “Stress” module is focused on teaching you tools to master your mind and reprogram your nervous system every day.

Now I eat super healthy during the week and still enjoy going out to restaurants and having mezcal cocktails with friends on the weekend or on vacations. 

While I still am mindful of my digestion I have the freedom to eat and drink what I want. I'm more focused and happier than ever. 



Ever find yourself focusing so hard on healing your gut, but despite all your efforts, you're still bloated and your stomach hurts after every meal? Maybe you are trying to meditate, breathe and namaste your anxiety away but that shortness of breath, on-edge-feeling still persists.

That's because our bodies are incredibly interconnected and we can't separate one section of our body (gut) from the other (nervous system). 

It's all connected so if you're only concentrating on what you're eating and maybe taking some probiotics or digestive enzymes, but you're still:

  • going to bed past midnight
  • super stressed at work
  • not eating breakfast
  • stuck in a toxic relationship
  • chained to your desk all day

it's unlikely you'll see significant changes in your health.

You need to start building the foundation of the 5 pillars and ensure you're tending to each one every day. If you focus solely on nutrition but neglect stress management, that building, aka your health, will have a shaky foundation.

The Handbook contains easy-to-implement checklists with different ways you can start fine-tuning your habits to create a healthier lifestyle.  Remember, it's about committing to that 1-degree change with each new habit and choice you make that will have you standing in a completely different place healthwise in a few months.



In Week 1, we'll focus on WHAT you eat and HOW to eat it.

These tips are inspired by my background in Eastern medicine and how the way we eat can have a massive impact on our energy, mood and digestion!



In Week 2, we'll focus on something that so many of us struggle with… shut eye!

 Get all my tips to sleep better and improve your digestion, mood, and energy.



In Week 3, we'll focus on how you move it, move it.

Whether you're a newbie or exercise expert, get my best tips and secrets on how to actually incorporate consistent movement into your day.



Week 4 is a doozie… we could all use some stress management.

Together we will help you develop daily habits that de-stress your brain and body like deflating an overfilled balloon. 



Week #5 is all about detoxing your toxic load!

Learn how to show your liver some love by getting rid of products and tools in your home that might be harming your health!


$19 for a lifetime of healthier habits and a happier you.